IAM COMPACT training and teaching kit
The training material covers ground concepts, ontology, and introduction to modelling tools and approaches from the modelling ecosystem of IAM COMPACT. It introduces the concepts of energy systems and integrated resource modelling, encompassing climate, land, energy (and electrification), water, health, economy and, more broadly Integrated Assessment Modelling. It provides examples of use of modelling tools to inform policy, describes the concept of scenarios, and provides overviews of tools within the diverse IAM COMPACT model ensemble, such as SeMOSYS, OnSSET, MicroGridsPy, MARIO, CLEWs, GCAM, and WILIAM (all modelling tools presented in the training material are also described in detail in the I2AM PARIS platform).
The material is freely available in Zenodo in the form of ready-to-use and editable .pptx files and includes the following presentations (divided by concept):
- Introduction to energy (and electrification) modelling (link)
- Introduction to OnSSET (link)
- Minigrid modelling (link)
- Use of energy system models and scenarios in policy - Case studies (link)
- Introduction to input-output analysis (link)
- Input-output analysis hands-on (link)
- Energy-economy modelling case studies (link)
- Integrated resource modelling and examples (link)
- Designing scenarios (link)
This is the first training package as the result of a collaborative effort derived from the preparation of the material for the hashtagcapacity building workshops carried out in hashtagKenya, hashtagEthiopia, and hashtagSri Lanka and entails the re-elaboration of knowledge retained in different forms by each case separately.