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Open-access models for case-study countries: preliminary versions now available!

30.08.2024 | News

Task 6.5 of IAM COMPACT focuses on building technical and institutional capacity for integrated assessment modelling in four countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Sri Lanka, and Ukraine. National teams led the capacity development and model creation efforts within and beyond their institutions. 

Five open-access models were developed to address key policy questions in each country, where such insights have been limited:


In Ethiopia, a geospatial electrification model using OnSSET was created to identify cost-effective ways to provide insights on technically feasible and least-cost pathways for electrifying the remaining part of the population. Additionally, a Climate, Land, Energy, Water systems (CLEWs) model using OSeMOSYS was developed to improve integrated resource management, to be then linked to MicroGridsPy in a future update to support Ethiopia’s sustainable development. 

Kenya's CLEWs model examines renewable energy's role in enhancing climate-resilient food, energy, and water supplies. The development of this model in IAM COMPACT links to a wider interest across several EU- and UK-funded initiatives. 

In Sri Lanka, a CLEWs model was designed to explore the balance between agricultural and energy development given land constraints, based on literature and stakeholder inputs. 

For Ukraine, an energy system model was created to guide the Ministry of Energy in developing green post-war reconstruction strategies for electricity infrastructure.                                                                                                                                                          

Several models build upon previous modelling efforts, in line with the aim of making use of the existing capacity and expanding it. The key data sources for all models are documented on Zenodo, together with the models’ executables. 

Image from Ramos et al. 2022 showing the summary of system and cross-system results of the Reference Scenario in CLEWs.